2025 5th International Conference on Digital Signal and Computer Communications (DSCC 2025)
DSCC 2023
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第三届数字信号与计算机通信国际学术会议(DSCC 2023)成功举办

2023 3rd International Conference on Digital Signal and Computer Communications (DSCC 2023)Successfully Held


2023421-23日,2023年第三届数字信号与计算机通信国际学术会议(DSCC 2023)在中国西安以线上线下相结合的形式举办。多位IEEE Fellow与国内外各大高校的过百名专家学者齐聚现场,线上线下共吸引了数千人次参与盛会,共同分享和研讨相关领域的最新科研成果和发展趋势。

2023 3rd International Conference on Digital Signal and Computer Communications (DSCC 2023)was held from April 21 to 23, 2023, in Xi’an, China, in a combination of online and offline conference. Multiple IEEE Fellows and over a hundred experts and scholars from universities at home and abroad gathered at the conference, where thousands of participants both online and offline shared and discussed the latest research achievements and development trends in related fields.


室内 (6).JPG



This conference was hosted by Changchun University Of Science And Technology. The conference arranged keynote reports, invited reports, and several thematic discussions (including oral reports, poster reports, video reports, and online reports) to explore the academic dynamics and development trends in intelligent computing and signal processing, as well as related research fields. Scholars discussed current hot topics, shared research achievements, promoted the development and progress of related research and applications, and boosted discipline advancement and talent cultivation.



At the opening ceremony, Zhang Rongjun, Vice President of Xi’an Shiyou University, delivered a speech congratulating the successful convening of the conference.




Zhang Rongjun, Vice President of Xi’an Shiyou University, addressing the opening ceremony of the conference


主讲报告环节,大会特邀IEEE Fellow、美国机械工程师协会会士ASME Fellow、西安交通大学严如强教授,IEEE Fellow、长江学者特聘教授、之江实验室马建国教授,IEEE Fellow、悉尼大学李永会教授,IEEE Fellow、河海大学韩光洁教授,国家特聘专家、电子科技大学袁晓军教授,香港大学电气电子工程系胡奕聪副教授,ACM杰出科学家、ACM SIGMM主席、IAPR研究员IEEE高级会员、佛罗伦萨大学Alberto Del Bimbo教授,IET FellowIETE FellowIACSIT Fellow、挪威诺罗夫大学Seifedine Kadry教授等知名专家学者,围绕学科前沿话题进行了精彩的学术报告,现场专家学者积极参与,交流氛围热烈。

During the presentation session, the conference invited well-known experts and scholars to give academic presentations on cutting-edge topics of the discipline, including Professor Yan Ruqiang of Xi’an Jiaotong University (an IEEE Fellow, ASME Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers), Professor Ma Jianguo of Zhejiang Laboratory (an IEEE Fellow, distinguished professor of Changjiang Scholars), Professor Li Yonghui of the University of Sydney (an IEEE Fellow), Professor Han Guangjie of Hohai University (an IEEE Fellow), Professor Yuan Xiaojun of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (a national distinguished expert), Associate Professor Hu Yicong of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Hong Kong, Professor Alberto Del Bimbo of the University of Florence (an ACM distinguished scientist, ACM SIGMM Chairman, IAPR researcher, and IEEE senior member), and Professor Seifedine Kadry of Noroff University College in Norway (an IET Fellow, IETE Fellow, IACSIT Fellow). Experts and scholars actively participated in the on-site exchange, creating a warm atmosphere.



IEEE Fellow、美国机械工程师协会会士ASME Fellow、西安交通大学严如强教授

Yan Ruqiang, a professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University, IEEE Fellow, and ASME Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers



IEEE Fellow、长江学者特聘教授、之江实验室马建国教授

Ma Jianguo, a professor at Zhejiang Laboratory, IEEE Fellow, and distinguished professor of Changjiang Scholars


Prof. Yonghui Li (2).JPG

IEEE Fellow、悉尼大学李永会教授

Li Yonghui, a professor at the University of Sydney and IEEE Fellow



IEEE Fellow、河海大学韩光洁教授

Han Guangjie, a professor at Hohai University and IEEE Fellow




Yuan Xiaojun, a professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and national distinguished expert


 Assoc Prof.Yik-Chung Wu.JPG

IEEE Signal Processing香港分会主席、香港大学电气电子工程系胡奕聪副教授

Hu Yicong, an associate professor at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Hong Kong and Chair of IEEE Signal Processing Hong Kong Branch


Prof. Alberto Del Bimbo        (6).JPG

ACM杰出科学家、ACM SIGMM主席、IAPR研究员IEEE高级会员、佛罗伦萨大学Alberto Del Bimbo教授

Alberto Del Bimbo, a professor at the University of Florence, ACM distinguished scientist, ACM SIGMM Chairman, IAPR researcher, and IEEE senior member

 Prof. Seifedine Kadry (3).JPG

IET FellowIETE FellowIACSIT Fellow、挪威诺罗夫大学Seifedine Kadry教授

Seifedine Kadry, a professor at Noroff University College in Norway, IET Fellow, IETE Fellow, and IACSIT Fellow



At the parallel session, academic keynote reports were delivered respectively by Professor Xu Shuwen of Xidian University, Dr. Zhang Shiling of the Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company, Professor Yue Yang of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Professor Liu Tang of Sichuan Normal University, Professor Mao Bomin of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Dr. Yang Qisong of Xi’an High-tech Research Institute, Professor Zhe Yanhong of Xi’an Shiyou University, and Associate Professor Yin Feng of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen).





During the banquet, Professor Ma Jianguo, the conference delegate, gave a concluding remark on the conference. Professor Ma Jianguo, Professor Han Guangjie, and Professor Han Jiaxin won Best Paper Award, Best Oral Presentation Award, and Best Poster Award, respectively. Recognizing outstanding scientific research talents and achievements can promote the construction of China’s scientific research personnel. Dean Wang Kuisheng, the representative of the organizer, delivered a closing speech, marking the successful conclusion of this conference.


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Professor Ma Jianguo giving a concluding remark




王院长致辞  (4).JPG


Dean Wang Kuisheng delivering a closing speech



The successful convening of2023 3rd International Conference on Digital Signal and Computer Communications (DSCC 2023)presented a rich, high-level, and international academic feast. Experts and scholars have fully communicated information, strengthened academic exchanges, and encouraged innovative thinking, jointly promoting the development and progress of related research and applications in intelligent computing and signal processing, and boosting global technological innovation and research talent cultivation.